What Do Tractor-Trailer Drivers Need To Do After An Accident?

trucking accident with car will lead to a need for personal injury attorneys

It is always important for all drivers to take action after a motor vehicle accident. After a crash, drivers should immediately call 911, remain at the accident scene, and cooperate with the police investigation. Tractor-trailer drivers and their transportation companies have additional requirements they must follow under the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR).

A tractor-trailer driver should take the following 6 steps after an accident:

  • Ensure the safety of people involved – provide medical attention if able
  • Place warning signs around the tractor-trailer
  • Document the scene – take photographs of the vehicles, crash site, and road conditions
  • Collect information – obtain witness names, driver contact information, and insurance details
  • Drug testing – may be required by the carrier and/or law enforcement under 49 CFR Part 40
  • Report the accident to your employer

    Tractor-trailer companies also have requirements that need to be followed after an accident. According to the FMCSR, a motor carrier must report an accident that involves a fatality, bodily injury requiring immediate medical treatment away from the scene, or disabling damage to a vehicle that requires it to be towed. Motor carriers whose vehicles have been involved in an accident in the last 365 days are required to maintain an Accident Register. This report must include the date of accident, City and State where it occurred, the driver’s name, number of injuries and fatalities, and whether hazardous materials were released.

    A few other tips to remember are:

    • Never leave the scene of an accident
    • Follow all company protocols
    • Tell the truth! It is important to provide accurate information to the police and investigators

    In Missouri, Illinois, and throughout the Midwest, car accidents with tractor-trailers can have devastating effects. Many tractor-trailer crashes result in spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, and even wrongful death. If you are injured in the accident and you are not at fault, contact our St. Louis, Missouri experienced truck accident lawyers.